Learning Links

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Can't make it to BCALC classes? Want to take a course at home? Or are you ready to take your learning to the next level? Check out these learning links to access online courses, information about different Colleges and Universities in Alberta, and much, much more!

Brooks Public Library - (Brooks) - brooks.shortgrass.ca
Shortgrass Library System - (Online) - shortgrass.ca

Student Resources
Brooks Public Library - (Brooks) - brooks.shortgrass.ca
Shortgrass Library System - (Online) - shortgrass.ca

Medicine Hat College - (Medicine Hat and Brooks) - mhc.ab.ca
Lethbridge Polytechnic - (Lethbridge) - lethpolytech.ca
Bow Valley College - (Calgary) - bowvalleycollege.ca
SAIT Polytechnic - (Calgary) - sait.ca
NAIT Polytechnic - (Edmonton) - nait.ca
Norquest College - (Edmonton) - norquest.ca/


University of Alberta - (Edmonton) - ualberta.ca
University of Calgary - (Calgary) - ucalgary.ca
Mount Royal University - (Calgary) - mtroyal.ca
University of Lethbridge - (Lethbridge)- uleth.ca

Teacher & Instructor Resources

Tutella - (ESL Resource) - Tutela.ca
Ellii - ESL Library - (ESL Resource) - ellii.com
CALP Portal (CALP Login) - calp.ca

Contact Us

Monday - Thursday       8:30 am - 7:30 pm
Friday                                     8:30 am - 11:30 am
Closed on statutory holidays

Phone: (403)-362-5372
Email:    bcalc@brookslearning.ca

303 8th Street East
PO Box 64
Brooks, AB T1R 1B2

Brooks Community Adult Learning Council - 2019

Brooks Community Adult Learning Council - 2019