Citizenship Preparation

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Citizenship Preparation

BCALC's citizenship classes will teach you about Canada’s history, heritage, culture, geography and government system.  You will learn about your rights and responsibilities as a Canadian citizen while improving your English language skills. 

Canadian History Classes 

Citizenship Preparation

Learn about Canada and your rights   and responsibilities before taking your Citizenship Test.

We don't have a class scheduled at the moment.

Let us know if you are interested.

Call:           403-362-5372

Visit us:   303 8 Street   Brooks, AB

                                                                         To Be Announced

Learn about Canada and your rights   and responsibilities before taking your Citizenship Test.

We don't have a class scheduled at the moment.

Let us know if you are interested.

Call:           403-362-5372

Visit us:   303 8 Street   Brooks, AB

                                                                                                      To Be Announced

Canadian History Classes 
Learn about Canada and your rights and responsibilities before taking your Citizenship Test.

To Be Announced

We don't have a class scheduled at the moment.

Let us know if you are interested.

Call:       403-362-5372

Visit us:  303 8 Street East   Brooks, AB


Contact Us

Monday - Thursday    8:30 am - 7:30 pm
Fridays                               9:00 am - 11:30 pm
Closed on statutory holidays

Phone:   (403)-362-5372

PO Box 64

303 8 Street East
Brooks, AB T1R 1B2

Brooks Community Adult Learning Council - 2019

Brooks Community Adult Learning Council - 2019